So, I'm keeping it real. During my intuitive reading by an amazing and talented intuitive, I almost broke down crying.
As I heard the pride of my father and my grandmother showing my book to others on the other side (surely Albanian Ya Ya's), I was expressing my pain for those who feel hurt by my story.
It's not easy reading mistakes one has made on the page. There's embarrassment, self-loathing and disbelief.
However, despite some of my family's reservations my intention was always to help other people heal. It's been my life's journey to heal.
Now, it's time to share so people know they are not alone. But here I was, holding tight onto the guilt of hurting others, I had no intention of hurting.
And do you know what that beautiful woman told me today? She told me I was helping others heal. She told me that others "stuff" was not my own "stuff." She told me to step into the light. She didn't even know that I knew my writing was inspired or that I knew it would help others. She just channeled that sucker right out of the ethers.
So, before I stepped out of that room, I decided to step into the light. And you know what? I sold some books almost immediately. Then, I was tested within fifteen minutes, but I'm trying to keep in the light because that's the only way to live. Step out into the light today dear ones. And let yourself shine!