A friend asked me this evening if I was excited about my upcoming book. I told her I frankly was scared. My life will be out there. My fear, my pain, my joys. All of it will be out there to be reviewed, criticized, and analyzed.
For someone who grew up in NYC where you pretend to have privacy and not notice your neighbor, and growing up in a home that said not to tell anyone your life, it goes against the fabric of my nurturing. However, my nature is as a writer, a healer, to share my story and perhaps let people know that no matter how difficult life is, you can have a beautiful life! You can succeed.
Coming home and seeing this article tonight was so timely. It reminded me that life prepared me for this moment. Not just the trials of a warrior or the skills to write it, or market a book, but prepared me for my so-called "coming out."
It's time to share my joys, silly ambitions, my stories of chasing love, connecting to the unknown and frankly starting to make peace with God. I'm ready for my upcoming trial. I hope you will be there holding my hand, giving me hugs and reminding me that I can do this. That I can step out into the world, emotionally naked, and succeed in my newest journey.
Elizabeth Gilbert On The Ugly Truth About Following Your Passion