On Tuesday evening at my daughter's theatre showcase, the students had one skit with a look at what future college roommates could be like. One duo had conflict resolution. One roommate wanted to talk about the issue of accidentally waking up the other. The passive-aggressive roommate did everything they could to not talk about it, but rather mention snippets of how they were awoken. They refused to have a two-way conversation about the issue. The moment of complete hilariousness of this skit was when the roommate who was woken up showed their shirt that said "You woke me up last night." Again, they didn't want to talk about it, though.
"Pick your battles" is another phrase that entered my world when I was in my early thirties. Sometimes, I would just let an issue go. As I have a tendency to swing from one side of the pendulum to the other so rapidly, I went to the extreme left and started letting myself let go of way too many things. I became that person who avoided the conflict and instead suffered in silence. I would suffer for someone else so they would be happy.
The other day my daughter said how she was having difficulty cleaning her room. She doesn't want to be a hoarder, but finds herself with an emotional bond to almost every physical object, even something another person would consider junk. I told her about something I saw on television once, I think on Oprah. They had a hoarder divide their items into different piles. There was one with items you could not live without or had great sentimental value. Another was items you couldn't decide on or difficult to let go of. The last pile was items you could will yourself to let go of.
We all have these piles. They don't always manifest as physical objects, but rather as negotiations with others. At work, in our relationships, in our personal life, with our schedule. Sometimes we need to make piles of what is non-negotiable, what we need to consider and what we can let go of.
Pont Des Arts in Paris (A.K.A The Love Lock Bridge). Couples bring locks with their initials and toss keys into the water. Photo courtesy of http://peoniesandpancakes.files.wordpress.com/ |
Perhaps if we met somewhere away from fear and ego, recognized our own needs and the needs of others, we could meet in a peaceful spot on that bridge and share it with one another.