I find that as I get older, I am more tentative with change. I am not as risk taking as I was in my youth. Even when I am called to change something, the prospect of listening to that silent wave pushing me deeper into my dharma, is put on hold. My mind like a hamster wheel wants to evaluate it and let it sit for awhile. The quiet call does not cease as my mind turns.
As I pause at this very moment, a Grey Catbird flys over towards me, perches just a few feet away on a clothing line. It looks at me with equal curiosity, appearing to ask "what are you waiting for?"
How often do we all pause on the precipice of change because we are scared? How often does our mind want to evaluate a calling of our soul? If we only jumped in, perhaps the waves would soften.
Perhaps it's time, no matter how ridiculous it may appear, to make that change that's calling us. Maybe it's time to jump in without knowing what's on the other side.
We may fall and bang up our knees, but for all we know, that may be where our next chapter begins. Taking a page from Nike, maybe we should "Just do it."